Almathera Ten Pack 3: CDPD 3
Almathera Ten on Ten - Disc 3: CDPD3.iso
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29 lines
Contents ScopeDisk25
Storage - A small program that will tell you how much room you have left on
every device in your Amiga - how much on each disk, including hard
disks; how much of each kind of memory, how much in your RAM: disks
- everything.
VirusX20 - Steve Tibbets' latest Virus checker. He found out about some new
ones, including one that is quite vicious. This version was completed
about Sept. 5
Toccato - An entire toccato and fugue, for your enjoyment. You will need to
supply your own player, since that is not included on this disk.
AniPointer - A rather large set of animated pointers is included in this
file, along with the program that allows you to create your own. Each
pointer has an icon to start it and another to kill it. A few are
really interesting. Check out the Amiga Check-mark, for instance.
PKAd - PKad was written in BASIC, then compiled. It is a simple CAD
program, and contains all the symbols needed for setting up electrical
schematics. There is a program with which you can create your own
objects for other kinds of designs
Museum - Easily the nicest ray-traced picture I've seen lately. The picture
gained this title because its objects appear to be displayed in a
museum-like atmosphere. Extremely nice work.